The PNG Times

The official blog of Steve Highlander. Stay up to date on what is happening in Papua New Guinea. I'll be sharing news, mission updates and random thoughts on God and life on the mission field.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Misunderstanding the Mark of the Beast

The "Mark of the Beast," spoken of in the Book of the Revelation is a hot topic today.

(You can read about this issue in the Book of the Revelation chapter 13.)

Frankly, most of what I hear is total rubbish. I readily allow for differences of opinion in the interpretation of some scriptures that do not have a bearing on the fundamentals of Christianity. There is room for honest disagreement. However, I have never been one to put up with idiotic Christian conspiracy theories and doctrines that simply do not even bother to consider the whole counsel of God. Because of a lack of Biblical understanding concerning the end-time doctrine, Christians tend to pull random teachings from here and there and sew them together like a theological Frankenstein. 

Paul spoke of those who wanted to be teachers but didn't know what they were talking about. Maybe some time spent actually reading the Bible would stop some of the nonsense. The Mark of the Beast is at the top of the list for some of the dumbest things I have ever heard. 

Are vaccines are the Mark of the Beast.

(Please note, I am not advocating for or against the vaccines.)

Some have said the CoVid vaccine was the Mark of the Beast. NO! The CoVid vaccine (or any other vaccine for that matter)  is NOT the Mark of the Beast. Why?

  1. Because the mark is a MARK, not a shot. The word "mark", in Greek, means, "a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue): — graven, mark." It is more likely a tattoo of some sort. A shot does not match the meaning of the word. The Mark was visible, a shot is not.
  2. The mark was placed on the forehead or the right hand. I got the CoVid vaccine and it was in my shoulder, as all of them are. So again, it doesn't meet the criteria. For the same reason, it isn't really feasible that the mark is an implanted computer chip, however, I would hold out the possibility that some sort of QR or bar code could be placed into a picture or graphic that could be scanned.
  3. Along these lines, I have seen people teaching that the government was injecting people with demons through vaccines. (I'm picturing a waiting room full of demons at Pfizer or Johnson and Johnson, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, watching porn, and waiting to be placed into vials of vaccine. Okay, you next bunch, in you go. Demons don't travel in needles. They are spiritual beings, not corporeal beings.  Likewise, you can't accidentally become demon-possessed. You can be demon-possessed, but I think that requires willfully opening doors to the demonic realm through occult practice, overt continual sin, or perhaps traumatic experience. You don't get them from shots. Additionally, some of the fundamentalists who teach this also declare that a Christian can't have a demon. "Come on man" - get your doctrines tied together.
The Mark of the Beast, the name of the Beast or his number - 666.

" one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."

Whatever the Mark of the Beast is, it has to do with the name of the Beast and number 666. The Bible indicates that 666 is directly associated with his name somehow, although it doesn't specifically say it is the Mark of the Beast. As the true counterfeiter that he is, Satan uses the authority in a name, like Christians use the authority granted to us through the name of Jesus. Remember he is the antichrist - that which is opposed to the Christ - or literally - the anointed one.  It used to be that all the Christian art representing this passage had people with 666 tattooed on their head or hand. Somehow we have lost that imagery and substituted it for all kinds of weird ideas. If we are to accept that the Mark of the Beast is a literal thing, it cannot be an arbitrary image or non-image, it must be a physical mark on the forehead or hand and it must be associated with the name of the antichrist. Unless of course, you want to take these passages figurative.

How can we be given the Mark of the Beast at this point in history?

Wouldn't it require that the Antichrist and the Beast already be in power? Duh! That hasn't happened yet, so how can the Mark of the Beast, symbolizing his power and control, be given out right now? I would dare say that most of the people advocating that the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast also believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the church. That hasn't happened - or a bunch of us missed it, including the ones teaching the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast. Once again, we have conflicting doctrines that make no sense. "Come on man" - get your doctrines tied together.

The government is going to force you or trick you into taking the Mark of the Beast.

No! Those who take the Mark of the Beast do so willingly. If people simply read the Bible instead of just listening to others, they would see that those who took the Mark of the Beast were already worshipping the Beast. While the Mark of the Beast is the focal point of the issue, the underlying reality is that those who choose to accept the mark also purposely choose to worship the anti-christ instead of God. No one can force you to do that. Likewise, no one can be tricked into taking the mark. The mark is a symbol of a decision that each person makes to follow God or turn from Him. Let me say it again. You can not accidentally accept the Mark of the Beast. The time will come where every man, woman, and child will have to make a decision, but it is their decision to make, not some trick of the government. Of course, those accepting the Mark are deceived, but they will make a decision because they "did not receive the love of the truth," and will buy into the end-time lies because they love unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2:10). You can not unknowingly take the Mark of the Beast.

Is it possible for every person in the entire world to be offered the Mark of the Beast?

I live in Papua New Guinea. The government there can't even get everyone a birth certificate or national ID card. Ditto, the third world countries around the globe. The logistic problems are staggering. Consider how long it is taking to vaccinate people today in America. I'm not sure how the Antichrist will accomplish a global program to give every person in the world the Mark of the Beast in the amount of time he would have - either 3 1/2 or 7 years, depending on your doctrine. Most Christians believe the Mark is just about the economy - being able to buy and sell or have a job. Again, in many third-world countries, a large number of people don't have jobs and don't shop in stores. A simple economic control wouldn't be very significant to these people. While I acknowledge the Bible says that the Antichrist will compel everyone to take the mark or suffer the consequences, I have a hard time seeing the practical outworking of it globally, if indeed it is simply some sort of physical mark. American Christians tend to view the Bible solely in terms of life in America. American life is not the standard for the world by any means. I simply think we need to consider the ramifications of what we say we believe. Could it be possible the Mark of the Beast is figurative of a spiritual decision we make? The Book of the Revelation is a highly figurative book. Just a thought.


The truth is we simply don't know how the Mark of the Beast will play out. It is useless to speculate because that is all it is - speculation. Paul admonished Timothy with these words,, "O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge— by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith."

I call on all Christians everywhere to preach the Word of God without useless speculations and conspiracy theories. Stay in the WORD of God.

(PS. And just to be safe, avoid Tattoo shops and green apples, I heard it was a green apple that caused Eve to sin. You can't be too careful.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Finding God's Will for Your Life

-- Author's note: I run a website called Talk to a Pastor (www.talktoapastorcom). For twenty years we have answered questions from people around the world on about every subject you can think of. Recently a young man asked how he could submit to God's will for his life. I sent him the following email in response to his question. --

Hi ________,

Thanks for writing TTAP. Wow, that is a good question.

If I were to provide you with some steps I think the first one is knowing God's will for your life.

There is the general will of God for every Christian and there is the specific will of God for every Christian. 

God's general will includes being saved and baptized. It is to become a disciple of Christ and grow in spiritual maturity. To be a give-and-take member of a local church. As we grow we learn to serve the Lord and His church. Romans chapter 8 tells us, "we are predestined to be conformed to the image of His dear Son." So God's general will for every Christian is to be like Jesus.

God's specific will includes the gifts and abilities God gives us to fulfill His call on our lives. The Bible speaks of three gift-sets. Read Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4 to see these gifts that are available to Christians. It is the Holy Spirit that imparts, activates, and empowers various gifts in your life.

As we learn to serve God we begin to discover His purpose for us. This includes the what and where questions. What does God want you to do and where does he want you to do it.

Moving into the will of God means we are seeking Him for His plans and purposes in our lives. I love the passage in Ephesians 2:8-10:

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

This passage tells us we don't save ourselves. Salvation is God's gift to us. It goes on to say that God is handcrafting your life to fit the purpose and calling He plans for you. God takes the raw material of your life and forms it into the life He can use, for the purpose he already knows. You may look at a wooden log and see nothing. A woodcarver looks at the same log and sees a beautifully carved statue. God looks at all the junk and raw material in your life and sees what He can create through you - even when you or others can't see it. 

Rest assured God has a plan for you and He is at work to bring that plan and purpose to pass in your life. Part of the process is resting in the assurance that He is at work in your life.

Here are some thoughts.

1. Never stop seeking God's will for your life, because it will change somewhat over time.

2. Make sure you are working on God's general will for your life as you you seek his specific will for your life.

3. Obey the small steps He asks you to take. Faith and obedience go hand in hand. Faith without obedience will produce nothing. Obedience without faith will burn you out.

4. Place your faith in God that He is at work. If you want God's will, He will bring it to pass. He is not working against you on this, He wants it more than you do.

5. Understand that God already has a plan for you. You do not have to talk Him into something. You may have one plan and He may have another and you will have to get together on it, but know God already has a plan. Don't try to talk him into your plan.

6. Watch how God is preparing your life. The lessons you are learning along the way prepare you for the purpose you have in God.

7. Discover your spiritual gifts and use them. They will be the keys to your service in the Kingdom of God.

8. When in doubt ask! God said we should ask whenever we needed wisdom and He would give it to us. James 1.

I trust this helps you out _______. Please feel free to write back any time with thoughts or questions. Above all else serve the Lord, He will bring you into His will and it will be great.

Father, I bring _______ to you in Jesus's name. I ask that you speak to him and reveal yourself to him in a way he can know and understand. Father show him your will for His life. Shine the light on the work you are already doing in him as you prepare him for service in your kingdom. Father, I pray that you keep him from all spiritual error, deception, and distraction as he seeks your face. Bless him with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places, AMEN!

Be blessed,

Pastor Steve

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Free-Range Christians

Free-Range Christians
You are probably curious about the title of this article. You are probably thinking, “Where is this guy going with this.” Will I rebuke Christians who float around unattached to any faith community? Or perhaps he will recommend that everyone break free from such attachments? Neither is true. Before we get into what the real issues are, we need to get a working definition of free-range so we can apply it to Christianity.

It is popular today for agricultural companies to promote their products as free-range. This opposed to caged or penned production. defines free-range (in part) this way:
1.      (of livestock and domestic poultry) permitted to graze or forage for grain, etc., rather than being confined to a feedlot or a small enclosure:
2.      Informal. noting or relating to a style of child-rearing in which parents allow their children to move about without constant adult supervision:

Free-range has become popular for two reasons. The first is in response to an outcry from consumers concerning animal cruelty. The second is driven by consumer expectations for healthier food. People are willing to pay a higher price for free-range or organic products. Notice it is the consumers who are driving the free-range concept. Free-range costs more, so companies aren’t all that interested unless there is a profit involved.

Basically, the free-range concept is much better for the animals involved and healthier for consumers. It is a good idea for several reasons. I think we need to apply the same principles to Christianity to overcome several problems in the church today.

Spoiler alert! I’m going to tell you where we are going so you don’t have to read to the end for a surprise ending. I think the church would be much healthier and produce more—and better— fruit for the Kingdom of God if Christians encouraged to be more free-range. It’s time more of our churches and our leaders committed to free-range Christianity where every believer is empowered to move in the gifts and callings of God without undue control by leaders with agendas.

Let’s explore this concept.

I am not suggesting free-for-all Christianity. A Christianity where there is no significant attachment to a faith community or accountability. Even free-range animals have boundaries. There’s a fence somewhere that keeps them from wandering too far. In a Christian sense, there will always be scriptural boundaries that all Christians need to stay within.

One of those boundaries is genuine fellowship (real community, not fellowship dinners). Another is a basic doctrinal framework. Then there is the process of helping people find their gifts and calling and fulfill their God-ordained role in the Kingdom of God.

There are three things that need to happen. The first two are deconstructive. There needs to be less emphasis on the organization of the Church (services, doctrinal statements, programs, etc.). Perhaps I am somewhat cynical—I admit it is quite possible. However, I wonder if Christianity was outlawed, and people could not go to a traditional church on Sunday morning (a real possibility in our generation), how many would know how to be a Christian?

Much of our western version of Christianity is centered around what happens in Sunday morning. Could they maintain their spiritual lives without the Sunday morning props? Would evangelism grind to a halt (because most evangelism happens in public gatherings rather than one-on-one)? Could all of the people who “minister” in a church setting find true minister outside of Sunday morning? Could the average churchgoer make the transition from a formal, public service to an informal small group gathering? It isn’t just downsizing the space or the numbers. There are significantly different dynamics that need to take place in small groups that can’t or don’t happen in large public events (and vice versa). These are questions that need to be asked—and answered.

The second thing that needs to happen is a release of control from “leadership.” The trend in business and organizational development (church included) the past 20 years has been “leadership development.” However, you really can’t find that emphasis in the Bible. What you find in the bible is servantship development. Several times the disciples were arguing over who was going to be the “greatest.” James and John even tried to get the right-hand and left-hand positions next to Jesus. Even their mother got in on the act, trying to trick Jesus into guaranteeing her request before she told Him what she wanted —that her two sons would be first and second under Him.

If Jesus’ disciples were not immune to this powerful pull of fleshly ego and worldly principles, what makes us think we don’t have to deal with it also? Jesus wanted servants who lead, not leaders who serve. While it may not seem like much of a difference, there is. What is the primary identity in the two designations? The first is a person who sees their primary roles as a servant and leads from that position. The other is a person who primarily sees themself as a leader who should serve because of it.

Frankly, we need to develop more servants in the Church. These will end up leading with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Leaders who are focused on controlling everything and everyone involved in their ministries have done much damage in the Body of Christ. Churches have been split and individuals and families ruined spiritually because of these false leaders. They were bent on having things their own way or leading for their own gain. “Submission” is the keyword you hear from these people.
The positive thing that needs to happen is an emphasis on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for every individual. Leaders must commit to teaching and ministering the Baptism with the Holy Spirit to our congregations. With that, we must have a fresh commitment to teach, encourage and facilitate the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the context of the Body of Christ (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12-14, and Ephesians 4).

I am using the idea of free-range as a metaphor for the spirit-filled life of the believers in service to the King. Christians who have been released for the religious cages of total dependence on some leaders and have been released to flow in the power of the Holy Spirit as we are encouraged to do in the Word of God.

I am a part of a Pentecostal denomination. However, in the past couple of years, they have acknowledged that “Pentecost” has become more of a doctrinal ideal than practical experience. This is a common scenario in many Pentecostal denominations. In some cases, our pastors are not even Spirit baptized. While I am not condemning them in any way, I must wonder how our churches will maintain the power of the Holy Spirit in the future if their leaders are not modeling it now. Slowly the reality of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the power of speaking in other tongues and the operating in the Spirit has given way to seeker-sensitive services and slick presentations including light shows, fog, and big screens. Could it be that we are trying to compensate for the lack of God’s manifest presence via the gifts of the Spirit?

As a result of this recognition, my denomination has made significant steps to make sure the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is once again being taught, ministered and practiced in our churches worldwide. It has been my privilege to minister to thousands of Christians in Bible colleges, churches and pastors/leaders conference across the country of Papua New Guinea about the Baptism with the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit and the Body of Christ. We have seen hundreds of people filled with the Spirit, speak in tongues and find a fresh empowering for their lives and ministries.

I have discovered one thing that hinders this fresh revival of Pentecost. Pastors and leaders are often afraid of letting go of control. They are afraid things will get out of hand. They are afraid some will start experiencing the power of God and they will lose their position, influence, and income. Jealousy and insecurity combined with a lack of understanding cause many to simply ignore this vital aspect of Christianity. Regardless of the motive, it boils down to one thing: control. This control results in a reluctance to help people find, develop and use their gifts and callings in the Kingdom.

It is this control that must stop. Christians have to be left out of their cages of religious control. They must be discipled into the Spirit-filled lifestyle. They must be encouraged and given the opportunity to share the gifts of the Spirit as outlined in 1 Corinthians chapters twelve through fourteen. This will not happen without a solid commitment from the leadership of any given church. It is my experience that if God does start to move by the spirit in the congregation, the leadership will quench it unless they release control to the Spirit. We are warned not to “quench the Spirit.” Unfortunately, this happens too frequently. When it does happen, our churches are left powerless. Personalities and programs take the place of the Holy Spirit and nothing truly spiritual happens in these churches. There may be lots of activity. Money is spent. Events go on. However, little life comes from it.
There must be a commitment from the leadership of the Church to open the cages, to let the sheep roam freely in the Holy Spirit. As I mentioned above, even free-range stock encounter fences. Opening the congregation to the Holy Spirit doesn’t mean a free-for-all.  That only happens when there has not been a proper spiritual foundation laid. Leaders who have not made the effort to teach on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit and the Body of Christ only have themselves to blame if things get out of order.

In fact, trusting the Holy Spirit to impart and empower the use of the charismatic gifts in the church will result in better order than fleshly control. Another advantage is that it will take the workload off the pastor(s) and spread it out across the congregation—in the long run. Opening the door to a true expression of the Body of Christ will result in more souls saved. More people healed and delivered, stronger discipleship and ultimately healthier churches.

One of the definitions or free-range was parents allowing their children to go without CONSTANT adult supervision.  Leaders must release their grip a bit and trust the Holy Spirit to lead and guide the congregations into a free-flowing expression of the Body of Christ. Children who are overly protected end up having emotional and even social issues. Maturing is a process of trial and error. At various and appropriate times parents have to release some controls so a child can develop into a mature adult.

As evangelicals, we affirm the priesthood of every believer. Unfortunately, we don’t practice it. We maintain a clergy/laity mentality, even though there is no biblical justification for it.
I advocate for a mindset of free-range Christianity. I challenge our leaders to take the high road to trust the Spirit and release a controlling grip. I encourage every church member to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and find discover your spiritual gifts given to every person by the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Letter to a Young Leader

NOTE:  The post is significantly different from most of my articles.  This a personal letter of encouragement I wrote to a young pastor I was mentoring (He and his wife have now been pastoring that same church for much longer than I did).  I wrote the letter to him in December 2006, some 13 years ago.  I find it is still good information. It is worth the read for anyone in the ministry - or who wants to to be in the ministry.  Please feel free to insert your name into the letter - for I would say the same thing to your today. I trust it impacts your life and ministry in a powerful way.  Be Blessed,  Steve.

December 2006

Dear J----,

Greetings in the most holy and precious name of Jesus.  I used to think that phrases like that were silly sentiment, but the older I get the more I understand how truly precious, holy and powerful His name really is.  It is the name above every other name.  It is the name to which we have the privilege of worshiping, bowing to and calling on in a time of need.  Jesus has lent us His name to call for the resources of heaven, to run into in a time of trouble, to use as a definitive weapon against all the powers of hell. Above all things – honor the name, love the name, learn the name and use the name of Jesus.  God has placed more in that NAME than we really know.

I have genuinely enjoyed watching you grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ over the past 1 ½ years.  I know you have walked with the Lord for a long time, but God takes us to places for special seasons in our lives.  I believe [our town] is a divine appointment for you; a season of growth and fruitfulness; a place where God could take you to the next level in your life and ministry.  One thing for sure is that you will never forget your time at [our town]. It has been an awesome time of faith, obedience, grace, learning and usefulness.  I appreciate you more than you know.  Your faithfulness to me, the church and the call placed on your life by the Holy Spirit has been encouraging to me as well as inspirational.

I wanted to write to you to encourage you as you move into a new year.  God does not wear a wristwatch.  He is unmoved by the tiny elements of time which control our lives – seconds, minutes and hours. He never gets in a hurry.  Time is a man-made concept.  A day with the Lord is as 1000 years and 1000 years as a day.  Learn to wait.  They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  God’s plans are so grand they can not be accomplished in a day, week, month or sometimes even a year.  God, as the master strategist, moves satan around like a pawn to accomplish His own agenda.  We too are pieces on God’s chess board … not pawns though, we’re kings and queens, knights and rooks and bishops.  We’re the power pieces that get the job done.  You might notice that a chess set has 8 pawns of limited power (like the devil), however the Rook, knight and bishop only have two each; and each one of those moves and acts and functions in a different way.

How much like the gifts and callings of God these are?  God using different people in different ways, moving us around the chess board of this world, forming a strategy of ultimate defeat for the devil.  God, knowing the power and ability of each piece, knows just where to place us in relationship to the other playing pieces to affect strategic victory.  The grand checkmate comes when the King Himself returns to finish the devil off once and for all.  We will be a part of that glorious victory, if we do not become weary in well doing.

The Bible tells us that Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout.  It doesn’t say for sure, but it just might be “CHECKMATE!”  I long to hear, “well done my good and faithful servants.”  I hope I am standing close to you when that happens.

Of all the pieces I think you are a Bishop.  The bishop in the Bible is an overseer, one who watches over God’s heritage.  Paul said that he has espoused the church to Jesus as a chaste virgin.  He saw his role as the “best man.”  One in whom the groom trusted to take care of the bride; to protect her and prepare her.  Paul claimed he never touched the bride of Christ for his own pleasure.  Always remember this one thing - as leaders, pastors, bishops and shepherds - the church belongs to Jesus Christ. He is a jealous God.  Too many people today claiming to be pastors, prophets, teachers, evangelists and apostles are using the Bride of Christ for their own gratification.  They lust after her affections and money.  They long for the power to control her, to use her and to make a profit from her.  They prepare the church for their own glory, not for Jesus’.  But I trust we are not like that – you and me.  I trust that I have demonstrated for you (although imperfectly many times) the role of a pastor: Faithfulness to the Bridegroom to prepare a Bride for His glory.

Like chess, no single piece can defeat the enemy alone.  It takes at least two pieces to win. The best one can do alone is a stalemate.  Too many of God’s people settle for a stalemate; rather than a win.  God created the Body of Christ to work together in unity, we need each other - always have and always will: God made it so. 

When Jesus returned to heaven, He gave gifts to men.  He literally broke his perfect divine ministry into parts we now call the 5-fold ministry.  Remember that it is not “your ministry,” but rather His ministry through you. 

Successful strategies on the chess board take each piece’s unique strength into consideration and use them in conjunction with each other to back the devil into a corner and defeat him.  So goes the kingdom of God.  As you progress in leadership remember to always allow God to build a team around you, no matter if you are a leader or a team member.  Refuse the urge to collect or group with people just like yourself.  Allow God to build diversity, for in the long run it will take a combination of each gift, personality and ministry to get the job done.

It is so much easier (we think) to get talented, like-minded people.   But if we look at the example of Jesus, he collected an eclectic, ragtag group that was diverse in personality, philosophy and education.  For the most part they were “ignorant and unlearned fishermen.”  But it was noted that they had “been with Jesus.” There is always the tendency to discount those that God puts in your care and ultimately on your team.  Try not to “judge in the flesh,” but “judge righteous judgment.”  God is a better judge of potential then we are (since he knows the beginning from the end.)

One of the greatest things you can do for a person is to believe in them, even when they can’t believe in themselves.  I had someone do that for me.  It makes all the difference.  In order to do that we must see the overwhelming ability of God to impact and change a person.  God can change anyone – look at you and me.  Pray for people until they can pray for themselves.

I hear one scripture ringing in my spirit for you as I write.

For you have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.  Heb 10:36

There are several key thoughts here.  Of course, the main one is “patience”.  Not our most favorite word.  Patience is probably one of the most difficult virtues to develop (right after humility).  As you become more and more a leader, patience is an absolute necessity. As leaders our impatience can destroy people; impatience will slow personal growth in people; impatience that our grand plans and schemes aren’t moving faster.  Be an example to the flock in all things, especially patience. “Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you teach, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”  I Tim. 4:12

Impatience causes us to take short cuts and make compromises.  It can also cause us to overlook people that might be a significant part of God’s plan.  It can create offenses in us and others. Always remember that in, general, God’s people are more important than our goals and plans. 

The second important concept in this verse is “after”.  We usually must do something first.  That is where faith comes in. You will often have to step out on faith.  You’ll find yourself convinced of things that you (and others) can’t see and it will require risk.  We often want to know new ventures, radical ideas and new directions will work out before we start.  Therefore it is so much easier to stay with tradition, because even if it is not really working as well as we like, it is at least familiar and predictable.  God is raising up people who can not take “church as is” anymore.  But keep in mind, if we rush ahead without bringing people along with us, we still won’t have much when we get there.

We’ll have to step out, take risks and be willing to be more spontaneous. Religion requires following a predictable order.  Discipleship requires following the Spirit.  Be willing to “do” before you get to the “receive” part.  But never forget about the receiving part.  Hebrews tells us that “He that comes to God must believe…that He is a REWARDER of those that diligently seek Him.”  I believe God is pleased when we believe for the reward as much as we believe anything else in His word.

You will find there will be sometimes you won’t know what to do.  That’s okay.  Don’t panic.  God will come through.  David Wilkerson preached a message I heard a long time ago titled, The Making of a Man of God.  It was about the things God takes us through in our journey to usefulness.  One part particularly stood out: God will take you through your Night of Confusion.  Sir John of the Cross called it “The Dark Night of the Soul.”

Thankfully they seem to be limited, but when you enter one it can be excruciating to your flesh.  There are two things to keep in mind here.  The first is that the purpose of these periods is to totally separate us to God.  All the things that define us seem to disappear and we are left with a raw dependency on God.  This is not a bad thing, regardless of what your flesh seems to think. 

When Mary left and I moved from Oberlin to LeCompton, everything that had defined my life for several years was gone.  My marriage, my ministry, my career was all non- existent. I didn’t even have a house to live in.  I was reduced to being “a child of God.” 

Too often we let external things define us.  God wants us to remember that our most important role among all the others we have (husband, minister, employee, manager, father, son, brother, etc) is that of a Son (or Daughter) of God.  That is the thing that must define everything else we do.  It is these “dark” times that bring us back to that.

The second thing to remember about the “Dark Night of the Soul” is that “joy comes in the morning.”  Night never lasts.  God is light.  He will not leave us in darkness.  He will bring us into the light again.  I pray you never have to go through “the night of confusion,” but, with David Wilkerson, I am more realistic than that.  It is just part of the package. Since I can’t stop it from happening, I wanted to give you some insight on how to handle it and come through it a better Son of God.

One last thing: I think we can determine how long our “night” might be by how we respond.  Faith, obedience and yielding shorten those times dramatically it seems.  Good luck!

Here are a few things to remember.  An eclectic collection of saying from me and others:

  • Learn to please people without being a “people pleaser.”
  • Have devotion, not just devotions.
  • Don’t just serve, be a servant.
  • God would rather have servants who lead than leaders who serve.
  • Find a good sheep dog!  They are a big help.
  • Everyone needs three basic relationships:  A couple of Pauls to mentor us, no matter how old and wise we get; A larger group of Barnabus’ to walk with us as a friends and peers, A few Timothys to pour ourselves into.
  • Worship passionately, pray fervently, serve faithfully, and believe completely.
  • Our job is to preach the Kingdom, Jesus said He’d build His Church
  • If you are going to be used by God, you are going to be used by people.
  • If your disciples never outgrow you, when you die the church goes backwards.
  • “Onward and upward, further up and further in.”  C.S. Lewis
  • “Spiritual warfare starts with the name of Jesus on your lips and ends with the nature of Jesus in your heart.”  Frances Frangipane
  • If you can’t run, walk.  If you can’t walk, crawl.  If you can’t crawl, drag yourself along on your bleeding elbows.  Just don’t stop and you’ll get there.
  • “Every earthly plan, that be known to man, He is unconcerned, because he has plans of His own, to set up His throne, when He returns.”  When He Returns, Bob Dillon  (Never forget, Jesus wins and so do we if we endure to the end.)

Well J----, I pray with all my heart that somewhere in this missive you will have found a few things that will make a difference, a few things that will change you and a few things that will radically transform your life and ministry.  Our ministries are pretty much worthless if we don’t aim at transforming others. 

I encourage you to pull this letter out from time to time and reread it.  You will find at different times in your life different things will stand out to you as your life progresses through various stages.  I trust the Lord to have provided encouragement and a few answers in advance, even if you are not sure of all the questions yet.

And now I finish with a prayer and a blessing.

Dear Jesus, I bring my brother J----- to you right now.  I ask that you protect him, body, soul and spirit.  I pray that you will perfect that which concerns him.  I pray that you will work everything in his life according to the counsel of your own will.  I place a blessing on him as one ordained by God to do so.  I pronounce peace!  I speak spiritual authority to him.  I pray the spirit of wisdom and revelation you’ve given me be imparted to him.  Open the Word of God to him as never before.  Grant him patience, love and faith.  Give Him favor with God and man.  I pray that, as John the Baptist, he “prepares the way of the Lord” in the lives of those he ministers to.  But most of all Father, I ask that you walk with him as a friend and that he comes to know you in a greater way than ever before.  That he learns to hear your heartbeat and know your thoughts.  AMEN!

My Bother J---- be blessed with all spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.

Another grape on the vine,

Bro. Steve

Monday, August 12, 2019

Blue Elephants and Christianity
Conformation vs. Transformation

Religious conformity has always been what the organized religious systems want – and what the members of those systems have come to expect – as normalized Christianity. 

The premise of this article is simply this: Information produces conformation and revelation produces transformation. Generally speaking, religious people expect religious conformation.  It sounds like this: we will give you the right information and you conform to it. In the Bible we find a different virtue: Transformation produced by revelation.

As humans we tend to associate with people who are much like ourselves.  We identify with a particular group by the way we dress, the things we like, and by our beliefs and interests. For instance, a person may wear country western style clothes, cowboy boots and listen to country music.  Others may wear ripped jeans, graphic tee shirts and listen to rock music.  Still others paint their faces, wear shells, crocodile teeth, vegetation and dance with drums.

Others may accept a political label, such a democrat, republican, socialist or communist as a means of identifying with a particular ideology. 

No matter what our beliefs and interests, we have a built-in need to be a part of something larger than ourselves.  Psychologically, we want and need community – to be accepted among those we consider our peers. Those that don’t have this drive are often labeled as “anti-social.”

I live in Papua New Guinea (PNG).  At the International airport there are many graphics representing the rich and diverse cultural of this Island nation. One has a person in tribal dress dancing.  The caption says, “We dance to disappear into something bigger.”

Tribal dances (called singsings) are group affairs.  They are dictated by culture. Everyone wears similar tribal dress and paints their faces with their tribal colors and motifs. There are around one thousand district ethnic tribes in PNG, all with unique tribal distinctives. The dances have been carefully choreographed for decades – if not centuries.  They are a part of the tribe. It is their identity. These things differentiate one tribe from another tribe. Even tribes that live close to one another, and have regional similarities, will have unique aspects of face painting and dancing. It is tribalism – an ‘us and them’ mentality.  If you are not with ‘us’ you are automatically part of ‘them.’

What a perfect – and primal – illustration of this principle of conformation.  Don’t be different.  Be like the rest of us. Only do what everyone else has done for years – or centuries in some cases.

While the social and cultural value of these singsings are significant (I love and appreciate the cultural diversity), there are a couple of inherent problems with any system that encourages conformity over diversity.

First, nothing is different. Most likely nothing will ever be different. The cultural expressions and traditions probably won’t change; they are rooted in ancient culture. They will probably just end up dying out and fading away as they become irrelevant to modern society and a younger generation who will leave the villages to seek education and work. The older folks will make an effort to maintain and teach the traditions, as well some of the younger ones who see value in preserving the culture. The sad fact is, that after a generation or two, the old traditions will be gone.

The second problem is that anyone who thinks differently will be treated, more or less, as an outsider by the others.

For many, their religious experience is no different. To be accepted, they conform.  We call this peer pressure. The influence exerted by a group value to be like the group.  In other words, CONFORMITY!

We should ask if this is God’s plan? According to the Bible, we discover a resounding NO!

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

Paul was a very educated man.  He had both Jewish religious training and secular education in the philosophical systems of the day.  He often used opposing words to emphasize a truth.  In this verse he uses the words conformed and transformed, to make his point.

Strong’s Greek Lexicon (#G4862) provides some insight into the meaning of the word conformed. In part, it says, “To conform one's self (i.e. one's mind and character) to another's pattern, (fashion one's self according to).”

Did you catch that?  To conform to another’s way of doing things.

The world wants to conform us to its way of doing and thinking.  The religious systems of the world are no different.  As human-driven institutions, they want conformity.  They do not tolerate differences.  And, as a result, those who want to belong – regardless of their motivation – feel the pressure to conform to that group’s thoughts and deeds.

Let’s look at conformation from a different aspect.  When I was a young, I liked to play with modeling clay.  I once made a blue elephant I was quite proud of. You know, with clay  you have can smash it up and form something else out of it – UNLESS – you let it dry in the form you made. I kept that blue elephant for some time.

Here’s one takeaway. I could change the outward appearance of the clay as much as I wanted, but its substance remained the same – blue modeling clay. Here’s another takeaway. Our hearts can become the same: molded and hardened.  God often accused His people of being “hardhearted and stiff-necked.” Selah!

Conformity is pressure applied to change the external appearance of a person or thing. This is the nature of religion.  Have you ever felt the pressure at church to be, act, talk or think a certain way – even if it wasn’t really a true expression of your own self? We all have! The danger is the tendency to conform without being transformed. The great tragedy is that this is what most people think church is all about.

On the other hand, Paul contrasted conformity with transformation.  He said, “Don’t be conformed (even religiously) …but be transformed….” 

Transformation has to do with changing the nature of someone or something.  Consider the first miracle that Jesus did.  He turned ordinary water into the best wine at a wedding feast.   This is transformation.  Jesus did not add color and flavoring to the water.  He changed its very nature.

It is unfortunate but, for many, all religion has done is added flavor and color to their lives.  They have never actually been transformed. They have only taken on a religious look and flavor.  When this happens one of two extremes tends to occur.  Either they end up being very legalistic and critical of everyone and everything that doesn’t conform to their religious views or, they tend to become very liberal and don’t really take a stand for much of anything. They talk about God and the Bible, but humanism prevails in their thinking. God is there for the benefit of man, not the other way around. The saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-aide” might apply here. (For those that don’t understand this cultural reference look up the Reverend Jim Jones and the People’s Temple on Google.)

There is a third – and a more spiritual option – spiritual transformation.  Most certainly a transformed person will look, think and act differently, but it will be powered by the Spirit of God and love, not religious legalism or liberalism.

Transformation is initially internal and becomes external, the transformed person is changed from the inside out. Confirmation is always external and, while it promises inward change, it has no ability to produce it. 

Religion starts on the outside with rules and rituals and attempts to work its way in. Spirituality starts on the inside and works its way out.  This is why Jesus told so many parables about the kingdom of God being like a seed. It also explains Jesus’ sharp word picture to the religious leaders about being white-washed tombs – outwardly decorated, but inwardly full of death (and by extension unclean).

Now, back to the water-made-wine.  Several things about this story should make us stop to see what was really happening.  First, on the surface, the first miracle Jesus did was kind of inconsequential don’t you think?. Only a relatively few drunk people at a wedding party benefited. (I know I will get flack over that statement, but it is true none-the-less.  We have to get past the wine/grape juice theology to get to revelation truth here.) Second, it was done in relative secrecy. The only people who knew about it were very few servants who saw the water turned to wine and took it to the master of the feast.  Do these facts make you curious as to what God might be saying to us?  It does me.

If it had been me, and I was going to perform my first miracle as the Christ (anointed one), I would have gathered a crowd and done something big and undeniable – like calling fire down from heaven.  They all knew the story of Elijah and how he proved God was with him by calling fire down from heaven.  This most certainly would have been an attention-getting event to launch His public ministry with.  But no, Jesus didn’t take this route to fame.

The fact that this miracle was His first one tells us something.  That it happened at a wedding tells us something else.  The miracle indicates that the basic ministry of Jesus is transformation, not conformation.  It was miraculous.  It was not by human effort and it was not a mere human result.  It was spiritual from start to finish.  Water, the most common thing on the earth, was changed into the rarest wine.  God transforms us from mere men and women to “new creatures in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

From the moment Adam sinned, man lost the indwelling Spirit of God.  Remember, God breathed the breath of life (His own Holy Spirit) into the man and he “became a living soul.”  When Adam sinned, he “surely died,” according to God’s warning. Throughout the next four thousand years, no person had the Spirit of God in them.  The Spirit of God only came on them in an external anointing.

God’s plan was to put His Spirit back on the inside of mankind (Galatians chapter 3).  This required Him to deal with the issue of sin – which was the original cause of the disconnect. He accomplished this with the death and resurrection of Jesus.  It is significant then, that on the night of His resurrection Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Ghost.” Faith – belief in the resurrection – produced salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9) and the Holy Spirit could once again dwell in a person.

The second point – that the miracle was performed at a wedding – indicates that this transformation takes place as a result of marriage.  It wasn’t just a party.  Paul tells us in Romans that we are dead to the law that we might be married to Christ (Romans 7:4).  The result of this spiritual union would be “fruit to God.”

God does not want us to be conformed to external religious experiences.  He wants us to be transformed through intimate union with Christ and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.
In our keynote scripture (Romans 12), Paul tells us this transformation comes as a result of “renewing our minds.”  In other words, it is only as we learn to think differently that we really transform.  Otherwise, our religious efforts conform us at best.  This explains why some people try very hard to change – and seem to for a season – but often return to the old life struggles.  Being different requires thinking differently.

This is the foundational message of both John the Baptist and Jesus.  Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3).  The word translated “repent” literally means to think again, or to change your mind.  It doesn’t necessarily mean to stop sinning. What John and Jesus really said was, ‘You need to change the way you are thinking, because God’s Kingdom is here now.’ The old way of thinking was not going to get them into the spiritual Kingdom that was now on the scene.  Many of
Bible schools generally train preachers to provide information – usually doctrinal instruction or motivational encouragement.  They are not taught how to preach revelation truth. The goal of these institutions – and by extension – the preachers, is to produce religious conformity to the particular beliefs of the church.  As a result, people are not transformed, and church becomes an exercise in trying to get new people into the organization and keep the ones that are already members.  When membership becomes the driving force of the church, compromises are made to entertain the crowds to maintain the numbers.

On the other hand, revelation comes from the Holy Spirit.  Revelation knowledge and understanding is gained by spending time with God in the Word of God.  It is not man-taught.  It is God taught! Consider what Paul said about his preaching and teaching, In Ephesians chapter three he said that he received the understanding of the mysteries of God by revelation. Paul prayed for the Ephesian believers that God would “grant them a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ…”. (Ephesians 1:17)

Paul knew others would need this same spirit of Wisdom and revelation he had experienced.  You can not teach the Bible like math or science.

Information can only produce conformation.  However, revelation brings transformation. We can look at this issue from a different angle.  On the day of the resurrection, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and taught them everything in scriptures concerning Christ.  They made an interesting statement: 

And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32

Notice He “opened the scriptures to them.” The result as that their very beings were being impacted.  This is revelation and it transforms those who hear it.

We do not need religious conformity in our churches.  We want transformed saints.  We do not need information and motivational messages; we need revelation from the Holy Spirit. 

Because revelation and transformation do not generally produce conformity, many preachers avoid it like the plague (pun intended). It requires more work, more faith, and more trust in the Holy Spirit to pastor a church full of transformed saints than a group of docile conformers who never question anything. However, we need to consider if the results we are experiencing with religious conformity are the ones we really want.  Personally, I don’t think so.  We will have to take some risks to allow the transformation of souls. 

You decide:
Information and Conformation.
Revelation and Transformation!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Strategic Living

Strategic Living

As I was praying about 2019 I kept hearing the word strategic coming to mind. I believe with all my heart that this is a strategic time in the Kingdom of God.  The word strategic carries with it some significant thoughts.  I looked at several dictionaries to get a working definition of strategic. Allow me to mash them together to create a definition. 

Pertaining to the identification and implementation of plans to achieve the specified long-term goals of an individual or organization.

That is a powerful thought.  If 2019 is a strategic time we should carefully consider our working definition.  What are the elements of strategy?

First there are the “specified, long-term goals.”  In a nut shell, this is vision.  There are two things to consider here:

1.      What is God’s purpose for this season in the church as a whole, and more specifically, your particular part in the kingdom?  It is unfortunate that Evangelicalism has so individualized the Christian experience that we no longer think in terms of the “big picture.”  God has long-term, strategic plans and goals for and through the church (Ephesians 3:10). Does God’s “big picture” will take precedence over our little piece of the kingdom? Yes indeed! The plans and purposes are from eternity past to eternity future. Our brief tenure in the earthly Kingdom is small part of something far greater.  We have to stop praying and acting as if what happens in my life (lifetime) is all that matters. Consider how the writer of Hebrews sums up the entire Old Testament population, “God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us (Hebrews 11:40). I think it is safe to assume that future generations might say the same thing.  Our lives are a small part of a very big whole. That doesn’t make us meaningless or insignificant.  Every man and woman of God played their part in their generation. I love what the Bible says about King David, “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep….” (Acts 13:36 emphasis mine.)

2.       What are you trying to accomplish long-term?  For many people their long-term goal is to get through the week.  This may sound crass, but how many Christians actually have long-term spiritual goals?  Perhaps everyone does, if we include going to heaven – but what about here on earth? What are you supposed to accomplish for the Kingdom of God in 2019?

For many years I wore several hats. I was a pastor, online Christian counselor, and I owned a full time business.  I also did a variety of ministry things like jail ministry, writing and more. During this period of time I would often see myself as the little silver ball in a pinball game table. I would be moving one direction at a high rate of speed, then, bang, I would hit a bumper and shoot off in a different direction. I think I suffered spiritual whiplash. (Can anyone relate to my analogy?) Honestly, I was so busy doing “stuff” that I could not be strategic.  It was all good stuff, too. People were being touched and ministered to in significant ways. I enjoyed doing most of it, but I had no ability to be strategic.  Many projects got started but never finished. My long-term goal was to prepare for the next ministry opportunity.   

A long time ago I learned  the psychological fact that people either act, or react to things.  Reacting is an involuntary response.  For instance you may see a snake in the grass and scream and jump back.  You didn’t even have time to think through a response, you just did it as an automatic reaction.  Sometimes reaction is good – like in the case of stepping on a snake.  However you cannot live your live effectively simply reacting to everything. People who do this are always caught up in some sort of Jr. High-type drama. They are carried along by their emotions and opinions, and little – if any – ever changes in their life because they never learn to act with decision and purpose.

Action, on the other hand, is a planned response.  “This happened and I will do  this as a result.”  Or, perhaps even more importantly, “I will do this, IF that happens.”  We have thought about and planned our actions in advance. Having made good decisions before they are needed keeps us from reacting poorly. Reactionary people never make much ground. Action oriented people do.

Strategic living requires knowing your purpose and where you are headed.  It means you have heard something from God. You can do lots of things, but are you doing what you are called to do – where you are  called to do it? The second half of that statement is as important as the first part.

King Solomon said this, “Without a vision the people perish.”  (Proverbs 29:18) The Amplified Bible puts it this way, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained.”  A more modern proverb says it a  bit differently, “If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.”

Too many individuals, churches and organizations spend a lot of time, money and effort and don’t really accomplish much because, either they have not identified their purpose, or the business of doing the work takes them off course. I can’t help but remember a sober arning Jesus gave. He said many would come to him on the day of accounting and point out all the wonderful works they  had done in His name.  He said, “Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.” Iniquity is the word for self-will.  Basically Jesus said, you were not doing my will, you were doing your will in my name. They had activity and supposed results. They were using Jesus’ name. To the casual bystander they were successful Christian ministries. Jesus though otherwise. 

This is not some judgemental statement in my part.  It is an assessment tool for each of us to make sure we have the mind of God and are accomplishing the will of God.  Jesus would not have said it if it were not going to be a reality. “Many will come….”

What are you aiming at? Anything? Nothing? Some vague idea of what you might want some day?  It is time to become more strategic than ever before.  Strategy requires visions and goals.  Write them down.  The Spirit of God told the prophet Habakkuk, “Write the vision and make it plain…” I encourage you to define and write your vision and mission statements and let them guide you in your Christian life.

The second part of strategic living involves identifying the plans to achieve the goals and vision.  The best plans will never materialize if there are no steps taken to realize them.  This involves the HOW of strategy.  How will you achieve your vision? Basically this is the brainstorming time.  What plans need to be made?  What resources will be needed?  Who might need to be included? What methods will be used to assess the level of success along the way. Identifying the ways and means is important. Having a God-given vision without a plan simply won’t work. While your plan needs to be flexible and adjustable along the way, you have to have a plan to move forward.

I am a chess player. Chess is a strategy game. There is no luck involved.  There is no roll of the dice or deal of a card.  If you win it is because you thought further ahead than your opponent did.  Chess player who react to their opponent’s moves lose quickly. The goal of chess is to force your opponent to move where you want him too. You have already thought several moves ahead and know where you want to push your enemy.  I can think of no better analogy for the spiritual battle that we are in than a chess game.

The devil has a strategy and he is at work to maneuver you into  potion to lose.  On the other hand, God has a strategy and has, at times used the devil to accomplish His long-term plans and goals.  Consider the cross.  The devil moved the religious people with pride, self-righteousness and hatred and got them to crucify Jesus.  This played right into God’s plans. In God’s mind, Jesus was the “lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8), He simply maneuvered the devil into fulfilling His will.

Strategy has both long and short-term goals. Have you ever written down the things you feel like God wants you to do?  Have you considered what strategy it might take to fulfill them?  If not, take some time to plan.  Develop a strategy. Remember the wisdom mentioned above, “without a vision the people run unrestrained.”

The third part of strategy is implementation. You simply have to act.  If your plans are in line with God’s will you have the assurance that He is working with you. Twice in John 15 (verses7-8 and verse 16) Jesus made a very powerful promise that many Christians fail to appropriate.  In fact, because of a false application, they literally rob the promise of its power. That promise is that we could ask anything we desired in His name and it would be done for us.  That indeed is a powerful promise. However in the immediate context of the story and the individual verses the theme is fruitfulness.  The promise actually was not generic.  It was specifically that we could ask for anything we desire – or need – to be fruitful for the Kingdom of God.  This was not a blank Check with Jesus’ signature on it.  It was a promise, that in the course of serving the purposes of God, you could ask for and receive whatever you needed, “That you should bear fruit and your fruit should be remain.” By simply tacking Jesus’ name to the end of every prayer waters this verse down and ends up producing doubt when self-oriented prayers don’t get the answers we were expecting.

Strategy has to be acted on.  Sometimes this means we have to forego one plan of action in favor of another.  The question should not be what can I do, but what should I do. We have to sort these things out in our strategy plan.  I can do lots of things, but which are the most important – or most strategic.  On the other hand I often want to do things I am not really able to do, due to a lack of training or gifting.  Some Christians spend their lives doing what they can. Others spend their lives trying to do what they can’t. Both often miss their strategic purpose in life.

So, with a vision and goals in hand and plans made, we start to act to strategically bring about the purpose of God in and through our lives in context of the eternal purposes of God.

I share this last thought – perhaps seemingly a bit off topic – as way of providing a prophetic word within a word. In other words: someone needs to hear this.

In December 2018 I had the privilege of speaking to the Enga Province, Foursquare Christmas Camp in Papua New Guinea. The theme was doing the will of the Father.  As I was speaking, the Spirit of God emphasized a very strong message.  Sometimes the will of God changes and we have to be willing to change with it.  Some miss God’s strategic purpose in their life because they never consider that God’s plans and purposes might shift in regards to how He uses them. Over the past 38 years I have had to continually discern and adjust to stay in God’s will. Jesus said the Holy Spirit was like the wind. It blew where it wanted, when it wanted.  To get to your destination you have to adjust your sails to catch the wind to propel you to your destination.  The same wind that drives your boat can also blow against you if your sails are not set right.  

Over the past 38 years I have to constantly discern and adjust to the Spirit of God directing my life. God has called me to different ministries and then closed the door on those ministries when they no longer served His purpose.  I was called to places and then called away.  You can not assume that once God does something in your life that it will never change.   For some reading this, you will discover that God’s strategic plan for you is changing in 2019.

Live strategically this year/